07 Sep Lose Weight Eating All the Butter You Want
I figure I’m walking on average of 10 miles per day – at least. Several days I’ve pushed 12 or 13.
Accordingly to sources online, Paris is about 9 miles east to west and 6 north to south at its widest points. Paris proper is bound by an oval-shaped perimeter, the Peripherique, which measures 22 miles long. It girds 33-1/2 square miles of one of the most walkable cities in the world.
Paris’ beltway is roughly a third the length of Atlanta’s perimeter which measures 69 miles, or DC’s Capital Beltway at 64-miles. If my calculations are correct, I’ve walked enough this week to circle this entire city almost 4 times.
The city’s subway stations rarely have elevators or escalators available to bipedal commoners like me. Yesterday I found the city’s most treacherous, the ‘Abbesses Station’ near Montmartre. Surely its name comes from the same Latin root as our word ‘abyss.’ At 118 feet below street level, it’s the deepest in all of Paris. If you can climb its 200 steps plus another 225 to reach Sacré-Cœur, you should receive an Olympic medal. I opted out. Only thing I would have received would’ve been a free ambulance ride.
Wait. I’m not finished.
Our little abode was advertised as a ‘7th floor apartment with elevator.’ Yes, that charming little filigreed elevator worked just fine for the first 4 or 5 days. But we’re now into Day 8 and it’s still not fixed. To add to the pain, the French count the first floor as the ground floor. So, EIGHT stories is what we’ve actually climbed – several times daily. (A hint: when you’re fixing dinner and realize you’re short on wine . . . think about those steps and the grape becomes a less important food group.)
A long way of saying . . . I feel great after a week of all this exercise. My heart’s pumping away, flushing out the almost 1-stick-per-day of butter I’m consuming. I’ve lost 86 pounds and my cheeks are rosy.
Life couldn’t be better.
Constance Trover
Posted at 08:53h, 07 SeptemberIn this somewhat beta world we live in, everything is betta with butta….keep on truckin’ my friend…huzzah on minus 86#!…and psst….the rosy cheeks come from those extra steps for da grape…lol!xoxo 😉
Posted at 09:47h, 07 SeptemberI do love the look on your face in the picture. Sounds like you are having a blast, as we are reading about it!
More joyeaux di vivre(ok… so I took Spanish! you know what I mean! 🙂 )
Jenny Faulkenberry Bishop(one of the twins)
Posted at 10:59h, 07 SeptemberAll I can say is you go girl!!! I visited Paris for a week in June 2003 and stayed in an aparthotel in St Germain des Pres – 6th Arrt. Walking and the underground truly are the ways to experience this incredible city!!! I know you will get chills when you walk the Champs Elysees and pass through the Arc de Triomphe. I know I did and wish that I would have studied my history better-Ha! Thinking of the wars/celebrations which took place on the very ground in which you walk. Have a great time and yes I know about the french bread and butter. I existed on that as well!!!
Posted at 17:16h, 07 SeptemberOh, hey, Jenny! So nice to hear from you!!! You were in the hi-rent district over there in St Germain! I am aiming to jog the entire Champs Elysee – wish me luck.
Megan Broutian
Posted at 20:15h, 07 SeptemberGirl, I’ve been fighting with the same 5 lbs for months… and you lost 86 pounds in 8 days?? I think I need to go back to Paris, very, very soon!
Posted at 02:31h, 08 SeptemberYes, ma’am, they fell right off.
Posted at 16:23h, 10 SeptemberWhy didn’t I think of this while I’ve been trying to lose my baby weight? (Don’t tell anyone he’s 27.)
Posted at 22:32h, 10 SeptemberI have enjoyed your adventures in Paris. I shared your blog and Facebook with a neighbor of mine, Deb L. Who is going to also be in France. Wishing I can go back one day. Have a great time. How much longer will you be there? I guess you have heard that you haven’t missed any good games of our team. Maybe this Saturday ???
Cindy Haygood
Posted at 01:53h, 12 SeptemberDear Lisa,
I hope this finds you loving Paris and spending some great times with your sweet sister!
My sister and I will be in Paris Monday thru Sundaythe 16th and are hoping you can join us for dinner one eve! So keep your schedule open, please! We are on the rue de la Banque so we are not far from you…I’ve been catching the blog!
So let’s try to message back and forth and see if we can make this happen!
War Eagle, get me on Facebook, please!
Cindy Harney Haygood
In Michele’s pledge class
Janis Miller
Posted at 09:32h, 14 SeptemberYikes! Forgot all those Metro and Hotel steps. But its worth it for the beurre! And what a good looking coat you’re wearing…Bon Jour.
Posted at 16:33h, 15 SeptemberOh Lisa, I have loved reading your blog. You are such a fun and creative writer. I feel like I have been with you…. except I have not lost those 86 pounds just yet.
I am so proud of you! You are following your heart’s desire and listening to your soul. Go girl!!! Have a fabulous time Lisa! Can’t wait to see you when you return.
Are you free to come to Highlands in October when you return? Let me know.
Love you!