One thing about New Yorkers . . . they tell you like it is. “Park here and we’ll strip your car clean.” Not like us Southern belles who beat around the bush. I like that about new Yorkers.
Michele and I started our day just like natives ~ bagel, toasted with bacon and horseradish cream cheese. Cute little bagel shop in the Village that offered 22 different toppings . . . and of course, good ol’ Southern Pecan Pies. Made me feel right at home.
We had a crew today . . . Caroline, Emma, Michele, and I. Megan, our cousin from Pawley’s Island, joined us later. It was an overcast day so it was nice and cool.
We walked down Fifth Avenue, sticking our heads in stores, trying on cool hats, and wishing we were millionaires so we could afford half of what we saw. We sauntered through Eataly and oooh’d and aaah’d over all the pasta, sauces and gelato.
We ordered a green tea doughnut from the Doughnut Plant, divided it between the four of us and had varying opinions about its taste. But at $3 per doughnut, we felt the artwork on the walls was worth the price of admission.
Our day ended with an evening stroll on the High Line, one of my very favorite places in all of Manhattan. If you have a few minutes, please peruse their photos and videos.
Another wonderful day with family and friends in the Big Apple.
{ NYC photos seen through the lens of my sister, Maine photographer, Michele Stapleton }
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