10 Jul Gangs of Seniors in Paris?
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I’m going to fit right in.
The website reads, in French: “Hype(r)Olds, gangs de seniors connectés.” Google Translate says it means, “Hype (r) Olds, senior gangs connected.”
creativeparis.info reports: “Every week, ladies aged 77+ get together in small groups at the Gaïté Lyrique and Maison des Métallos for multimedia content design workshops (video, photography, interviews, etc.). Three times a year the groups stage a fantastic pop-up show for the general public.”
Not 100% sure what that means, but if they meet in September you bet I’ll be there.
I’m having such a blast reading all this “inside” stuff about Paris. A friend found this one particular site, CreativeParis.info, which claims to show you another side to Paris’ history, heritage and culture. It asks, “Are you ready to awaken your creativity in one of the most stimulating settings?” You bet ya, honey. Bring it on!
I don’t plan to write about all the expected places, the Eiffel Tower and the Arc d’Triomphe, however you spell it. As in New York, I want to meet and blog about the folks who really live and work there.
So going through this website, I find (click the little British flag so you can read it in English):
FRENCH CROISSANT CLASS! Please, people, does this not have MY name written all over it! “During the 3-hour class, you will work and learn from start to finish the preparation of the Croissant as well as two other famous morning pastries: Pain au Chocolat and Le Croissant aux amandes (Croissant filled with Almond cream). After preparation your creations, enjoy them here with us, warm from the oven and be able to take a full box home.” I like the full box home idea.
SCREENWRITING CLASS: “Learn how to write a script, a synopsis, a statement of intent. Get away, a few hours a week, time for a playful screenplay workshop with Hormoz, director and screenwriter.” Oooops, only taught in French. Next.
CARDBOARD FURNITURE MAKING: They teach you how to make a piece of furniture out of cardboard. I know I’m weird, but that sounds like a lot of fun. Reminds me of when my son did a science project and made paper bricks. I had as much fun as he did! Again, taught in French, but I will learn by simply watching.
omg, I found yet another site, La Nouveau Paris:
PASSAGE DES PANORAMAS: A teeny passage, situated between the Boulevard Montmartre to the north and the Rue Saint Marc to the south. You stroll by the Tea Room of the famous chocolatier Marquis, located in a very ornate 19th-century building. Apparently on this little street, you can visit where the engraver, Stern, once worked. For art directors like me – and stamp collectors – that’s thrilling! Then there’s an antique postcard boutique . . .
Enough, Lisa, quit dreaming. Get back to that website you’re designing. Somebody’s got to work to pay for this damn escapade.
{ oh! a Perfume-Making Class }
Michele Stapleton
Posted at 19:32h, 10 JulySign me up for the Passage des Panoramas!
Posted at 14:02h, 14 JulyCan’t wait to hear about it! You will have to help me map out a tour once you get back home! PLEASE????