06 Mar NOLA Itinerary #1
Upon arrival at our hotel, The Modern, we will have an entrance interview. After mine, I plan to drop everything in my room, put on my walking shoes and start hoofing it around the neighborhood.
Our first event is not til 4:00 o’clock – a Meet+Greet, an orientation in the hotel’s bar, The Bellocq (now remember, this bar is named after the photographer who secretly photographed madams of New Orleans’ famed red light district). Hope I don’t get in trouble at this first event.
We move on to Wednesday in the Square, Lafayette Square, that is. There we’ll catch a concert, stroll through the Artist Village and eat, eat, eat. Cajun or Crepes? Cajun or Crepes?
Later we’ll attend the Hornets-Lakers game and will have another dinner in the New Orleans Arena.
> > In the meantime, sing it, Arlo!
Stan Gill
Posted at 23:15h, 06 MarchLisa —
Can wait to meet you and the other NOLAbound team members.
Let’s set the pace for the future NOLAbound applicants.
Posted at 05:54h, 07 MarchOh, this trip’s going to be a blast. Have you read about the green production studio?
Posted at 01:31h, 07 MarchJust so you know… you always inspire me. Since the minute I met you. As a mother. As a woman. As an educator.
So so impressed. Eat and drink well. So so so sad I’m missing you in the ATL.
Posted at 02:23h, 07 Marchoh, Amanda. I’m sick I’m not going to be here. I have missed you and Ben so much!
Posted at 12:49h, 15 Marchwill be following you! As always, you are an inspiration!!